
Week of the 15th to the 19th of June

Monday: How to make a paper fortune teller

Click here to watch the video.

Week of the 8th to the 12th of June

Monday: Theseus and the Minotaur

Thursday: Class Book, p. 66. Activity Book, p. 65

Watch the grammar video: Grammar 2

Week of the 1st to the 5th of June
                                                                  Unit 6: At the TV studio
Monday: Lesson 2

Class Book, page 61: Grammar video

Activity Book, page 61, activity 1: Listening

Wednesday: Lesson 3: reading and writing
Stage: escenario.
Wig: peluca.
Silver shirt: Camisa plateada.
I think people may wear… : pienso que la gente puede que lleve…
I’m not sure: No estoy seguro/a
Man-made: hecho por el hombre
Waterproof: impermeable
Pattern: Estampado
Stripy: a rayas
Spotty: a lunares
Checked: a cuadros
Recycled materials: materiales reciclados
Leaves: hojas
Sole: suela del zapato

Check other words here:

Writing example:

Week of the 25th to the 29th of May

Unit 6: At the TV studio
Friday: Lesson 1: Vocabulary (p.60)

Listen and repeat: click here. 

Week of the 18th to the 22nd of May

                                                        Unit 5: At the Youth Club: lessons 5 and 6.
Monday: Lesson 5, story (p. 54,55)
New vocabulary:

Become: convertirse en.
Weak: Débil, frágil.
Arrive: Llegar.
Judge by what people look like: juzgar a la gente por sus apariencias. 
Sail: navegar (sailing: navegando)
Hide: Esconderse 
Count: Contar (counting: contando)

To check the meaning of other words go to: 

Thursday: Lesson 6: grammar (p.56)

Watch the video to learn the grammar.

Week of the 11th to the 14th of May

                                                            Unit 5: At the Youth Club: GRAMMAR
Class Book
We are going to learn to ask questions in Past Continuous. Watch these videos to help you with the grammar (p. 51 Class Book)

Time review
Grammar Part 1
Grammar Part 2

Activity Book
Click here to do activity 1, page 51. 

Week of the 4th to the 8th of May
Unit 5: At the Youth Club

We are going to star a new unit. On Monday we will learn new vocabulary. Listen and repeat here. 
On Thursday we will review the Past Continous (pasado contínuo).

Usamos el pasado continuo para expresar acciones que estaban ocurriendo en un momento dado en el pasado. En la ficha podrás ver cómo se forma. 

She       was          verb-ing

You      were         verb-ing

Example: I was reading a book.  

Watch this video.


Week of the 27th to the 30th of April

Describe a character. 
Tuesday, 28th of April, 2020
Read and match the descriptions with the pictures here.
(Ve a la actividad online. Lee las descripciones e indica de qué personaje se trata).

Thursday, 30th of April, 2020

Writing: Create your character.
First you have to make a character using clay, paper, recycled materials, collage, drawing, etc.
Then you have to write a description:
  1. Describe its physical appearance. ( He/She/It is.... He/She/It has...)  
  2. Describe its personality. ( He/She is.... She / He has...)
  3. Where does it live. ( He/She/It lives in...)
  4. Age. ( He/She/It is... years old)
  5. Describe its likes and dislikes. (He/She/It likes...; doesn't like...)
  6. Describe its abilities. (He/She/It can...; can't...)
Important: keep your character!

Have fun!

(Crea tu personaje. Primero debes hacer un personaje con plastilina, material reciclado, collage, dibujo, etc. Después debes describirlo indicando cómo es físicamente, como es su personalidad, sus gustos y sus habilidades).
Importante: ¡guarda tu personaje!


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